Cats are fascinating creatures that have captivated humans for centuries with their mysterious behavior and unique characteristics.

16 Fascinating Behaviors and Characteristics of Cats You Need to Know


Cats are fascinating creatures that have captivated humans for centuries with their mysterious behavior and unique characteristics. 

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most interesting behaviors and characteristics of cats, based on our extensive experience with cats and the insights we've gained through working with them. To understand their vocalization read HERE.

A golden fur cat sits independently and it is able to groom itself, use the litter box, and find it's own food and water.

1. Cats are independent creatures

One of the most well-known characteristics of cats is their independence. Unlike dogs, cats are not packed animals and prefer to live and hunt alone. They're able to groom themselves, play with toys, use the litter box, and find their own food and water.

However, this doesn't mean that cats don't need social interaction and affection from their owners. It's important to spend time with your cat every day and provide them with toys and activities to keep them mentally stimulated.

A white curious and playful cat sitting in the backyard.

2. Cats are curious and playful

Another trait that cats are known for is their curiosity and love of play. They enjoy exploring their environment and are often drawn to new and interesting objects.

Adoption can be a thrilling journey as cats bring their inherent curiosity and playfulness to your home, making everyday life more exciting with their keen exploration of the environment and fascination with novel objects.

Providing your cat with toys and playtime can help keep them mentally and physically active, reducing the risk of obesity and other health issues.

An expressive white cat communication from a balcony.

3. Cats have unique communication styles

Cats are very expressive animals, but their communication styles are often misunderstood by humans. For example, a cat may purr to indicate contentment, but it may also purr when they're in pain or anxious.

Similarly, a cat may hiss or growl to indicate aggression or fear, but they may also hiss or growl during playtime.

Understanding your cat's body language and vocalizations can help you better communicate with them and build a stronger bond.

A cat loves to snuggle up in a cozy, enclosed space where they feel safe and secure.

To find the perfect designated space for your cats View Our Felted Wool Cat Cave Handmade Collection.

4. Cats like to have a designated space to rest and retreat

Cats are natural hunters and predators, and they need a designated space to rest and retreat. This is where a felted wool cat cave can come in handy.

Cats love to snuggle up in a cozy, enclosed space where they feel safe and secure. A felted wool cat cave provides just that, as well as being soft and comfortable for your cat to sleep on. Plus, it can be a stylish addition to your home decor.

A cat is a natural hunter, the brown cat trying to catch its prey.

5. Cats are natural hunters

Cats are natural hunters and love to stalk and chase prey. This instinct is deeply ingrained in their behavior and provides them with mental and physical stimulation.

Providing your cat with toys that mimic prey, such as feather wands and laser pointers, can help satisfy their hunting instincts and keep them active even in their senior years.

Cats are territorial animals and mark their territory by rubbing their scent glands against objects, such as furniture and walls.

6. Cats are territorial animals

Cats are territorial animals and mark their territory by rubbing their scent glands against objects, such as furniture and walls.

They also use their sense of smell to identify other cats in the area. Understanding your cat's territorial behavior can help you create a comfortable and safe environment for them.

A cute white cat staring at its owner with keen eyes.

7. Cats have a keen sense of hearing and sight

Cats have excellent hearing and can detect high-pitched sounds that are inaudible to humans. They also have a keen sense of sight and can see well in low-light conditions.

These senses make them excellent hunters and allow them to navigate their environment with ease.

8. Cats have individual personalities

Just like humans, cats have individual personalities and can vary greatly in their behavior and preferences.

Some cats are outgoing and social, while others are shy and reserved. Understanding your cat's personality can help you provide the best care and environment for them.

A black and white cat stared at something in surprise.

9. Cats are sensitive to changes in their environment

Cats are sensitive to changes in their environment and can become stressed or anxious when there are changes to their routine or living space. Providing your cat with a consistent routine and safe space can help reduce stress and anxiety.

10. Cats groom themselves frequently

Cats are fastidious groomers and spend a significant amount of time cleaning their fur. Grooming not only helps keep their fur clean and healthy but also provides a form of relaxation and stress relief.

Two cats sniffing each other trying to communicate through their scent.

11. Cats communicate through scent

Cats communicate with each other through scent, using their urine, feces, and scent glands to mark their territory and identify other cats in the area.

Nevertheless, it is important to remove unwanted scents and odors from their resting place or cave homes.

Providing your cat with a scratching post and other objects to rub against can help them communicate and feel more secure in their environment.

12. Cats have unique sleep patterns

Cats have unique sleep patterns and can sleep up to 16 hours a day. They often take short naps throughout the day and are most active during dawn and dusk.

13. Cats enjoy being up high

Cats enjoy being up high and often climb on top of furniture or window sills to get a better view of their environment. Providing your cat with a tall scratching post or cat tree can help satisfy its desire to climb and perch.

14. Cats are sensitive to touch

Cats are sensitive to touch and have a specific area on their body, called the "whisker pad," that is especially sensitive. Understanding your cat's preferences for petting and handling can help you build a stronger bond with them.

15. Cats have a strong sense of smell

A cat's sense of smell is incredibly strong, and they use it to communicate with their environment and other cats.

They have scent glands all over their body, and they use these to mark their territory and communicate with other cats.

For example, a cat may rub its face against furniture or other objects to leave its scent and claim it as their own.

A jumping cat showing its athleticism to its master.

16. Cat's agility and athleticism

Cats are known for their impressive agility and athleticism. They have excellent balance and reflexes, and they're able to jump up to six times their body length in a single bound.

This natural ability allows them to navigate their environment with ease and to hunt prey effectively in the wild.


Cats are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors and characteristics. Their independence, curiosity, and love of play make them wonderful companions.

It's important to understand their communication styles, territorial behavior, and sensitivity to changes in their environment in order to provide them with the best care possible.

Providing your cat with toys, a designated resting space like a cat cave, and a consistent routine can help reduce stress and anxiety and keep them mentally and physically healthy.

By understanding and appreciating the many interesting aspects of their behavior, you can build a stronger bond with your feline friends and enjoy their company for years to come.

And if you're looking for a cozy and stylish way to provide that space, consider a felted wool cat cave.

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Making of the best felted wool cat cave homes

Eliminate Felted Wool Cat Cave Odor FAQ

How Often Should I Clean My Cat's Felted Wool Cave?

It is recommended to perform regular maintenance, such as removing debris and spot cleaning, on a weekly basis. Perform a thorough cleaning as needed or at least once every few months.

Can I Use Regular Cleaning Products On My Cat's Wool Cave?

No, it is important to use gentle cleaning products specifically designed for wool or natural fibers. Harsh chemicals can damage the wool and affect its structure.

Can I Machine Wash My Cat's Felted Wool Cave?

Some felted wool cat caves are machine washable, but always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a delicate cycle with cold water and a mild detergent. Air dry the cave thoroughly.

How Do I Know If The Odor Is Coming From The Cat Cave Or Elsewhere?

Assess the intensity of the odor and try to locate the specific areas of concentration. If the smell persists even after cleaning the cave, consider checking other potential sources of odor in the surrounding environment.

Are There Any Natural Remedies I Can Use To Eliminate Odor?

Yes, there are several natural remedies you can try, such as sprinkling baking soda or activated charcoal inside the cave to absorb odors. You can also use a vinegar and water solution or lemon juice with essential oils for their odor-neutralizing properties.

How Can I Prevent My Cat From Using The Cave As A Litter Box?

Ensure your cat has easy access to a clean litter box and regularly maintain it. Properly place the litter box away from the cat cave to discourage them from using it as an alternative toilet.

What Should I Do If The Odor Persists Despite My Cleaning Efforts?

If the odor persists, it may indicate an underlying health issue in your cat. Consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential medical conditions that could be contributing to the odor.

Can I Use Air Fresheners Or Sprays To Mask The Odor?

It is not recommended to use strong air fresheners or sprays to mask the odor in the cat cave. These products may contain chemicals that can be harmful to your cat’s respiratory system.

How Can I Maintain A Fresh-Smelling Cat Cave In The Long Term?

Establish a regular cleaning and maintenance routine, including spot cleaning, thorough cleanings, and using washable liners or covers. Choose odor-resistant materials for future cat caves and ensure proper ventilation and sunlight exposure.

When Should I Consider Seeking Professional Help For Odor Removal?

If you have tried various cleaning methods and the odor persists, it may be beneficial to seek professional cleaning services that specialize in odor removal. They have the expertise and advanced techniques to effectively eliminate stubborn odors.